a new day

Welcome to a new day! We’re proud of you and everything you’ve lived through and created! We’re proud of who you are and all the love you’re made of!

We’re proud of you for showing up here today!

I know sometimes you feel like you are not enough, or you aren’t measuring up, or maybe you’re too much, a handful. I know sometimes life burns you down. I know living is hard work and you get tired. I know there is fear and doubt and challenge.

I know you’re doing a great job! Keep going.

So here’s another day. It’s another sunrise, another beautiful spectacle of golden rays piercing through the dark gray cover to bounce off the clouds and paint the sky pink. Another chance to do your best and be bold and happy and kind and brave.

Remember you are mighty. Keep building. Be good to yourself and speak to yourself with compassion. Give it time. See what happens.

You are enough. You are not too much. You always measure up; in fact, there are no measurements. You’re just right, and you are growing in beautiful directions. You are becoming. You are trying and flourishing. Keep this in mind, for another day.


mutiny & promises


ashes & wishes