all love

Love strengthens us, emboldens us, gives us the will and way to be generous and brave and true. Love is the force magic flowing through all that’s within the universe, and love is the spark and creator of every good and perfect thing.

Love is the generator of creativity and ideas and the pursuit of the path. Love is everyday and everywhere.

Love forms us and fills us.

We can, because of love.

We persist, because of love.

We know and are known, because of love.

We find the deepest reservoirs of truth and ability within us — when all else fails, beyond our own doing — because of love.

Love is our guide and inspiration and the backbone of all existence. Love prevails and will win the day. Love makes the difference. Love fills in the gaps with grace. Love is all the best parts of us and everything beautiful we can become. Love is our substance and our action and the very fibers of our being.

You are made of love, from love, to become love. Your life is full of love, even in invisible, unnoticed ways. Together, we’re love, and we can fill the world with it.

Open eyes and hands; full and glowing hearts.

Paying attention? It’s all love!

P.S. love is

P.P.S. more love


hammock magic


types of learning