bubbling lightness

Sometimes you don’t realize the full weight of a burden until it’s lifted.

You know it’s there. It’s bothersome or even awful, and you’re painfully aware of it…

But when it’s gone, and you feel free of it, the lifted weight seems so much bigger, for the joy and lightness left behind in its absence. Sometimes the sheer amount of peace and relief you feel without the burden brings that sharper focus.

As it begins to dissipate, as the cloud cover clears, as the current chapter closes, and you see the sunrise coming behind the horizon — savor it. Notice your joy. Notice every ounce of floating happiness. It all matters.

You are strong. You can endure. You have endured all this and more — everything that came before — and you will endure whatever comes next. You have power and resilience and fortitude within you. Your wisdom grows. Don’t forget to be proud of yourself.

Time to celebrate! Time for smiles and lightness and bubbling relief. This is a good time.




mind over matter