connection & creativity

I have been doing very interesting things! Which, for me, usually centers around people and creativity.

How can I connect with the people around me? How can I learn everything possible about them, notice them, make them feel seen and warm and welcomed, and help them in whatever way I’m able to? How can I collaborate and build teamwork and camaraderie and community? How can we be better together?

Also, how can I show up creatively? May I utilize my ideas? May I plug into my skills and experience and passionate interests, to use them for the applicable task, environment, and scenario? Can I have FUN? Can I find a flow state and love what I’m doing and go to the point of exhaustion but still feel proud and delighted by the results? Can I use color and intentionality and strategic approach?

Is my work full of feeling??


Through the heart-centered human connection, and through the creative output and enjoyment.

Feeling all of it.


magic pacts & investment math


the human gray areas