
This morning, I had a great gym session, fun and simple.

I got to see my dad and talk for a long while before I left the gym.

I decided to make myself a creamy vanilla coffee for the road after I got ready for work.

I enjoyed the rainy drive while listening to Mumford & Sons. (very picturesque!)

I found great delight in some tiny, fun details throughout my morning and day, and especially just kept getting distracted by delight with the rain.


How can you bring more delight into your life?

It’s such a powerful, simple, longed-for tool and treat.

Let yourself become delighted — enchanted, wowed, whimsied (not a word??? let’s make it a word!) — and watch what happens.

Not everyday will feel delightful.

(By the end of my work shift, I wasn’t feeling very wowed anymore, I was kind of fried and overwhelmed and going gray from the day!)

But as much as possible, notice what brings you joy and do more of it! Listen to the rain, turn on your favorite music, make a special treat.

Treat yo’self.

Get delighted.


time’s paradox, pt. 2


strong leaders