everyday magic, pt. 3

The amazing, magical, painful, joyful reality and grace of life is everything matters, and everything is connected, and there is rarely a tidy separation between the hard times and best times. They’re usually all swirled together and overlapping and bumping into each other.

Even in a season of deep joy, evolution, happiness, success, and belonging, there will be challenges and fears to face and the suffering of humanity one must always contend with. We are never free from it entirely. We live within our constraints, and we face sickness and hardship and discomfort and inconvenience and unknown and difficulties. In our work, our health, our relationships and communities, our minds and peace, our daily life. No one is exempt.

And even in a season of immeasurable heartbreak and loss, pain and confusion, depression and brokenness, there will be shining glimmers of light and hope and relief along the way, no matter how small. There will still be good news, too. There will still be joy and possibility sprinkled in here and there. There will still be flowers and smiles and somebody’s hand to hold. Music and sunrises and the occasional, inexplicable lucky break. The perfect strawberries, your dog napping trustily against your body, a great night with family or friends, better things on the horizon.

"I think the trick is not trying to keep the joys and the tragedies apart. But you kinda gotta let ‘em cozy up to one another, you know? Let ‘em coexist. And I think that if you can do that, if you can manage to forge ahead with all that joy and heartache mixed up together inside of you, never knowing which one's gonna get the upper hand, then well, life does have a way of shaping out to be more beautiful than tragic."
This Is Us (final episode of season 4)

To me, that’s everyday magic. All the little and big things, mixed together, all the joy still holding you up through your struggle, the seemingly insignificant — tiny things that are huge — mundane delights, daily wonders, the meaning and magic woven throughout the whole vast collection of our human lives and experiences.


mind over matter


what now?