our bodies

You will feel SO much better about your body image, and your self perception improves drastically, based not on how you look but what you do with your body.

Performance. Dancing, lifting, running, hiking, dirt biking, swimming, climbing, or whatever you love.

Using it like it’s meant to be used. Letting it shine and be strong and do its job. Enjoying it and finding a home within your own limbs and core. 🐌

Realizing all that you’re capable of. ❤️❤️❤️

So work out for performance improvement and for gains and growth! Move your body so it can feel its very best and so you can feel your best about all that it does for you. 🤝🦸🏼‍♀️❤️‍🔥

I have never loved my body as much as when I am consistently using it, pushing it, and building with a vision and purpose. Getting better. (Which is new for me! In only the last two years.)

Even when I don’t look much different (probably not noticeable to anyone other than me), if I’m not giving my body my best, pushing it, letting it work hard and enjoy its job and strength… if I stop doing those things or get lazy about my gym routine, I really feel the difference. Not only does it impact my mental health, clarity, focus, and optimism, but I also feel crappy physically (digestion, muscles, stagnation…), and — more elusively — I dislike my body more visually and tend to be more overly critical of little “flaws” that wouldn’t bug me when my body is happy and regularly in motion and effort. Again — I’m not even talking about losing or gaining weight or changing how my body looks! Even at the simplest level, before any of those things happen, I feel differently about my body when I’m using it to build and reach my potential than I do when I am not.

Nothing skyrockets self-love and improved self-perception like movement, performance, and strength! You are beautiful. Your body is capable and amazing. Look what it can do! Your features are cute and lovable. Your systems take care of you, house you, carry you through your life, and give you the ability to do everything you want to do. Why not train to support all of this and more?

So this isn’t just about aesthetics or looks, it’s about how you FEEL and the realization of your own empowerment and capability.

Performance and goals-based training = 🔥 more fun and more successful!

Your connection with your body matters,
and you deserve to nurture and be in tune with it.


five star stuff, pt. 2

