
When we can only see the world from our own perspective, we run the risk of not seeing things as they really are.

Sometimes we need to zoom out and look around to consider other realities, challenge our line of thinking, or try another angle.

Go for a walk. Shake things up. Get your body moving and let your mind settle. Help yourself feel better. Talk to someone who disagrees with you and see how you might be different and also how you might be more alike than you thought. Be willing to confront your own fears, biases, and limited beliefs. Stay open to changing your mind. Listen. Look around.

I watched a fantastic Seth Godin interview over on LinkedIn this week (here’s the link, though I think you can only watch it if you have an account — sorry!), and Seth shared wisdom about how you can either try to force the world to be how you think you need it to be, or you can look at each wave in front of you as something you get to do, not something you have to do — something you can make a choice on and move forward and experience in your life, making smart decisions and enjoying your experience.

If everything seems terrible and you’re having a hard time surfing the waves coming at you (there will always be more waves), try considering the world as it is, from a different point of view. Try shaking things up. Try getting out of your corner.

And always keep going. You can spiral up.


keep studying


doing the hard things