saturn’s opposition

August 26, 2023

It is a perfect summer night, wrapping up a beautiful, complete, contented weekend day!

You know what is perfect? Telescope viewing Saturn, on the day of her Opposition, directly across from the sun, with the Earth right in between them, completely giddy with the discovery that not only was I able to locate Saturn (thank you, sky-deciphering apps!), but also MY TELESCOPE IS CAPABLE OF SHOWING THE PLANET AND HER RINGS! Ahhh!!! It is tiny, an itty bitty orb, barely bigger than a pin prick, and the rings, through my small and humble telescope, are merely a line across the dot that is Saturn. BUT THEY’RE THERE! And I am so excited. I can see a little of the curvature and the miniscule gap at the bend of the rings. We also saw JUPITER and THREE OF THE BIGGEST MOONS!! Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. So, so, so cool. Astonishing.

Setting up the telescope. Locating where Saturn will be, to witness the Opposition, and also the point in orbit when the planet is closest to the Earth, and thanks to these two things, Saturn appears bigger and brighter than ever. Leaving the telescope in the driveway and going back inside to wait until the planet has risen and is visible. Walking back out and spotting it! The first moment I realized I WAS LOOKING AT SATURN’S RINGS and my body involuntarily, surprisingly, lurches itself away from my telescope as I announced to Jake, with my voice full of the unexpected forcefulness of my enthusiasm: “I CAN SEE THE RINGS!” Jake was doubtful and then impressed; he didn’t think it was possible with this small telescope.

Viewing, feeling awe and amazement, viewing again. The delightful summer night and air. Texting a best friend — thanks to whom I first found out about this opposition and put it on my calendar a few months ago! — sharing the excitement with her and inviting her over to see. Getting a text back: “We literally just put a cake in the oven!! How long will you be out?” A bit more info and then: “That sounds so fun! We’d love to come take a look. And we can bring cake!” Me, texting back: “Yay!!!” The excitement of best friends coming over spontaneously, on a whim, with freshly baked cake. 💗 Picking up my telescope and walking it, barefooted, along the edge of the asphalt, almost to the neighbor’s driveway, to get out of the line of telephone wires interrupting my view. The feeling of my feet on the rough and scratchy ground, the air on my skin in my shorts and tank top, the sounds of crickets and frogs, the flashing windmill lights on the horizon, and the shining town below. Messaging my cousin in Kansas, who also has a telescope and shared love of space, to see if he’s seen this tonight! The moon, waxing gibbous, bright and sparking… I looked it up and learned it is “10 days old” today — how delightful is that?! Brand new but ancient, timeless and wise, beautiful moon.

Summer, summer, summer.

Everyday magic.


I am delighted by how happy I am and how well I am doing lately. I LOVE my new job. What a total and absolute new joy to be overtaken with enthusiasm, passion, yearning, curiosity, and investment once again. I am ENGAGED in it all. Most nights, I cannot stop chattering endlessly to Jake about my day, about everything! I’m having fun! The first couple weeks took a LOT out of me, and there have been challenges and moments of doubt or skepticism and certainly days of exhaustion. But I have officially completed four weeks there now, and I’m beginning to find my footing, my projects are getting more and more exciting, and I’m starting to feel a connectedness and to really CARE, with deep excitement, and to imagine a future there. How astonishing, wonderful, and lucky!!! And I went on my first helicopter ride yesterday! Jake and I also have so much wonderful new stuff to share now.

I am keeping my blog alive, consistent, and thriving (even while being newly far more busy and tired out by work than before!). I love where it’s at right now and the posts I’m writing, which usually means I love where my mind is at and how I’m showing up in my life and growing and creating, 💓 because those things are the fuel and content for my blog. I’m indulging myself this week in imagining publishing a book once I get to the end of this year with my 25 posts per month/300 posts total goal, and I’m so excited to have that pursuit and reality in my future.

I’m working hard in the gym, just finished my first week training on Meg Squats’ Stronger by the Day programming app, loving it, even though I now get up at 4:15 in the morning and only have 45ish minutes to work out tbefore getting ready for work. My second competition was phenomenal. ALL WHITE LIGHTS, the numbers I wanted, and a couple PRs! I feel strong and proud.

I’ve been working on my relationship with food, not from a diet standpoint, but from an intuitive eating and finding peace and freedom standpoint.

Jake and I are talking a lot and walking Blue together most nights.

I am happy. I am having fun. I’ve worked so hard to get here. I am so proud of all of this.


P.S. My love for space, planets, stars, our moon and other moons, reminds me of the power of nerding out. What are you getting really nerdy about lately? 🪐🖤🔭


cheering vs. working


a master in your field