saying yes
How will saying yes more often move you into spaces you want to be in?
How will saying yes for the big moves and the truest choices wake you up to the life you really want to be living?
What happens when you face a big challenge — and we all know how we often feel about challenges, i.e. don’t want them, pull away from them, resist — but instead of withdrawing, you say yes?
How would things that happen to you be more quickly turned into opportunities, simply by saying yes?
Is the best version of you someone who says yes?
Could you be happier and love your life even more through the power of yes?
Because of how terrifying and vulnerable the unknown feels, there can be a lot of temptation not to embrace change and to stick with what you know instead. What if you did not turn any of that into something it’s not? What if you just looked right at it and said,
“This is an opportunity. And it scares me. And even though I don’t always want to, I know doing hard things is what I need. I want to have the most fun, joy, growth, and connection in my life that I possibly can. Because it’s important to me, and I don’t want to miss out or diminish my experiences just because of fear or hesitation to work hard and feel pain and challenge, I’m going to say Yes.”
Also, here, clarity of values is really helpful… for example, my Big Three life values are Adventure, Belonging, and Wholeheartedness. So I can use these specific words as guideposts to move me towards the right Yeses.
Whatever the question, opportunity, challenge in front of you… don’t shy away from being someone of courage and action who says yes.