spiraling up

This is what it means to spiral up.

We practice, we show up, we put in the heart and intention and time, we do the same good work over and over again.

Slowly, like roots growing deep within us and new life sprouting through the surface, everything comes together and turns into something useful and beautiful.

Our wisdom grows stronger.

We keep evolving.

And then sometimes, bad weather comes, a branch breaks off.

We need watering.

Part of the plant system that is Us may stagnate or seem to retreat or crumble a little.

We have to try again.

We rework the problem(s).

We go back to the drawing board and experimentations and practices.

We relearn (again). It doesn't matter how many agains!

And we notice this time, maybe it comes more easily, maybe we grow back a little faster, maybe there's growth that is remembered (muscle memory and root memory), maybe we're STRONGER after this relearning -- reaching a new height or depth we haven't before.

Even if it feels like you've fallen behind and stepped backwards and are once again dealing with "the same old problem" -- if you can approach it in an open, willing, mindful, curious way and just keep working at it, letting it all teach you, then it won't ever be exactly the same.

It looks, at first, like the same point, but it's on a new level.

Because you're spiraling up. 🐚


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