
Written 10-13-2023

Is there substance within me, something of significance beneath my skin, a seed or spark or strong root inside my mind or my heart?

This is a vague fear I sometimes feel when I am approaching a time for practice or creativity.  When it’s time to contribute.  Sometimes these opportunities feel like a test I might not pass.  On days when the resistance is loud, we might believe we won’t be able to make anything worthwhile because there may not be something significant within us.

Of course, this is not true.  This is only noise and fear.

We will bring forth something worth making because the making changes us and makes us better.  Making brings us to life and provides clarity.  We will bring forth something worthwhile through our own generosity of spirit and our willingness to try over and over again.  What we make will be worthwhile because each of our experiences is both unique and collective; we are all vital.

There is always something of significance beneath my skin.  Some examples include my kindness, my courage, and my desire for bubbling, steadfast joy and community.  Some things can be great gifts, even if they don’t necessarily seem like it all time, such as the way I see the world and the individual personality I have.  On the loudest resistance days, even these elements may get called into question in my mind, but that isn’t useful or true.  

So the answer to this question is, yes, of course, there is substance with me.  We are made of stars and spark and strong roots.  We are connected to the Universe and each other, and we can shine brightly with our truest, boldest visions and intentions.


blocking growth & adventure


mutiny & promises