the resistance

Don’t forget about the Resistance.

It’s going to rear its ugly head every once in a while, but we will get stronger at fending it off. We’re getting used to this. It might not feel any easier, but each time, we are practicing the neural pathways of not giving in to the lizard brain.

The Resistance wants, above all else, to keep you safe. To the Resistance, safety doesn’t feel like discomfort, risk, fear, or trying something new. Safety isn’t unknown. Putting yourself out there probably isn’t safe. Being along for the ride and giving the adventure your best, to see what happens, instead of being in control of every outcome, isn’t safe. The Resistance will attempt to fill you with worry and cacophonous, overwhelming voices of dread, insignificance, terror, and downsides.

Look on the bright side.

Be bold.

Be brave.

Try something new anyway!

Notice, notice, notice. Instead of getting swept away in these voices, never forget they are the Resistance — not cold, hard truth; not fact. They aren’t useful, so you don’t have to let them rule over you.

Tell your lizard brain thanks for trying to keep you safe, but you can take it from here.

Remember being uncomfortable doesn’t mean you aren’t safe.

Remember your evolution. Remember your becoming.

Remember where you come from. Remember where you’re going. Remember who you are.

P.S. And just have fun instead! The Resistance will love that! 😉


the big day

