today is a very special day

Today is a very special day.

Isn’t everyday?

But do we treat them all, each and every one, with as much attention and precious value as they deserve?

Aubrey Renee said,

“There is so much romance in the quiet moments of our lives
if we remember to pay attention.”

Today is special because we are here and we can live today, in the unique and irreplaceable, unrepeatable moments that are specific only to today.

Even if you feel stuck in something right now, or if you feel like you’re living an incessantly looping Groundhog Day, it’s still true that the moments of today are all we have, and they are not the same moments as the ones you had yesterday or the moments you will have next.

Every day holds an invitation and opportunity, and it is up to us to really live into them and let them flourish.

Even if we feel like we have to coax them from the shadows a little, or wring them out, or search intently to find them.

Maybe we can let those invitations and opportunities come to us, and maybe we can let ourselves simply be still and know today is a very special day.


finding tiny joy


tools of the trade