vocab list ii

Up next in my cataloguing practice of learning and recording vocab words…

Discover a new word.

Find its definition.

Add to the list!

My first list is here: for the love of words.

Why words?

For the depth and importance they hold in connecting with others.

For the articulation and excellency of honing writing skills.

For the expanded knowledge and menu of options, the array of tools at my disposal.

For fun!

Now onto List Two!


1. mise-en-place
2. corollary
3. append
4. occult
5. artifice
6. assertion
7. aquafaba
8. demonstrably
9. vindaloo
10. opine
11. memetic
12. neologism
13. binary
14. mellifluous
15. iterative
16. impunity
17. injurious
18. cachectic (cachexia)
19. lion’s share
20. pedagogically


mise-en-place: a French culinary phrase which means “putting in place” or “gather;” a process in which ingredients are prepared and organized (as in a restaurant kitchen) before cooking.

corollary: a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved.

append: add (something) as an attachment or supplement.

occult: supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.

artifice: clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others.

assertion: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

aquafaba: water in which chickpeas or other pulses have been cooked, used as a substitute for egg whites, particularly in vegan cooking.

demonstrably: in a way that is clearly apparent or capable of being logically proved.

vindaloo: a highly spiced hot Indian curry.

opine: hold and state as one's opinion.

memetic: relating to or constituting an element of a culture or system of behavior that is passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means.

neologism: a newly coined word or expression.

binary: relating to, composed of, or involving two things.

mellifluous: (of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.

iterative: relating to or involving iteration, especially of a mathematical or computational process.

impunity: exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

injurious: causing or likely to cause damage or harm.

cachectic: relating to or having the symptoms of cachexia.

cachexia: weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.

lion’s share: the largest part of something.

pedagogically: in a way that relates to the methods and theory of teaching.

A few notes:

First, I’m noticing I love adjectives the most. I am really drawn to clever, clear, creative, evocative adjectives.

Second, some of these are not brand new to me, but some are just words I’ve forgotten about or haven’t heard in a long time; some are words I want to remember to use more often.

Third, some are phrases or casual slang terminology rather than singular vocab words.

Fourth, I have more words stored up, but I need to split them into smaller lists! I was going to put 35 in here today, and it was just way too many! 20 is my cap for now. 😜

Fifth and last, I will leave you with a final phrase, which I learned from the side of a phenomenal taco truck and loved instantly:

Sin miedo al éxito.

Without fear of success.

…more on this soon!!


sin miedo al éxito


time’s paradox, pt. 2