what to do about placeholders

When the words you write or work you create feels lousy and like you’re only putting placeholders down, doing it just to say it’s done…

When something seems rudimentary and like it’s merely checking a box…

When a connection or human interaction falls flat and doesn’t meet expectation…

When you aren’t satisfied because you feel you could do better or you wish your developing skills already lived up to your finer taste…

When you’re irritated you couldn’t come up with more to give…

Remember they can’t all be home runs. It’s about the thousand practice hits.

Applaud yourself for showing up to try and to practice.

Remember you never know when the really magical stuff will come through, and if you hadn’t put in the time today, you could’ve missed out on something great.

Decide that you’ll still come back and do it again tomorrow.

Remember you aren’t finished here. This work isn’t done. (Which means you don’t need to despair because this isn’t the pinnacle you will reach.) You can try to make it better next time. There will always be more to ship. Just wrap it up and keep going.




embody & do