your flight of stairs

“Taking yourself seriously means allowing yourself to have a dream, a vision, a hope for your life. It means putting in the work, little by little, to be who you know, deep down, you are and want to become. It means living your life in pursuit of your most authentic self, the self that wants to come out and dance and flirt and conquer the world. Taking yourself seriously means you don’t fret and worry at the bottom of the staircase of your life. You don’t dig your nails into the banister wondering if it’s safe to start the climb. You take the first step with confidence. Then the next. Baby steps all the way. There’s no reason to run up the next four steps super quickly. Simply be present with the one you are on. There, you can live it up. Stomp your feet, wake the neighbors, feel it in your knees, break the fucking wooden slats beneath you — this is your flight of stairs, and you get only one.”
Tara Schuster, Buy Yourself the Fucking Lilies

I love everything about this.

This is how we show up for ourselves and the lives we want to be living.

This is how we claim who we are, and it’s how we choose to trust ourselves.

This is how we keep moving forward, dancing, with baby steps and stomps.

This is how we play and work, and make changes little by little that conquer our world.

We are capable. We can be indominable if we decide to be. There is nothing we can’t try. There’s no dream too big. We can start today.

We can live our lives authentically and with confidence, letting wonder and magic lead the way, deciding waiting in worry at the bottom of the staircase of our lives just won’t do.

Take your first step.

Be bold.




lessons from the platform