a does not equal b

A couple thoughts on the value spectrum

“We don’t have any values in common”

doesn’t have to mean

“your values are shit”


“my values are better than yours.”

Not having shared values is not the same as saying someone else’s don’t matter.

It doesn’t mean I’m saying what you believe in is less important or valid than what I believe in.

Every one of us gets to determine and live out our own values. Everybody has an internal compass, and only you can know and follow your own North Star.

It isn’t an insult to say we’re different. Similarly, we don’t have to assign any blame, shame, or judgment in those conversations.

Values are highly personal because each person’s are a statement attached to their core — to who they are… My values determine what my life is built around, how I see things, what works for me, what holds meaning for me, what I care about. Your values guide all those things for you. Our values don’t have to impact each other.

So “valid” and “worthwhile” are subjective. Unique to each individual.

No shared values is not indicative of no good values. Just totally depends on perspective and who you’re asking.


tea time


desert mirage