amazed by you

“I stand here so amazed by you.” - Jervis Campbell, Garden 🎶

I am amazed by my husband, Jake, and we are co-amazed by each other. We have found the one our hearts love. We have chosen each other, to the end of time.

Jake makes me happy and my life so much better. He’s kind and skillful and devoted. He’s dedicated and loyal and loving. He’s trustworthy and deeply good. He’s hilarious and goofy and a big-time adventurer. Jake will keep me young and grounded and balanced and sane, and he will pull me into more shenanigans than I would ever get up to by myself. This is a good thing because I often have experiences with him I wouldn’t try, were I left to my own devices, which pulls me out of my shell and rut.

Jake sees the world with curious, observant eyes. I want to be more like him and his hard-working, belief-filled character. He is true to himself and wonderful to me.

To be on a team with the one who amazes me most in the world! And to hear from him that he is proud of me and impressed by me right back! Jake is the closest strand in my web. 🖤


web & passions


being unremarkable