attention amplification

The object of your focus and attention becomes amplified.

You know how you get a new car of a certain color and then constantly notice other people driving that same colored car?

Whatever you focus on is amplified and multiplied, and you’ll notice it more and more, everywhere.

This is a superpower because it’s something within our control.

I LOVE hummingbirds, and my obsession with these birdies has given me some fun side effects, such as popping my head up as fast as possible to look around whenever I hear the distinctive, unmissable buzz of their quickly vibrating wings, spotting their tiny little bodies from distances and in large areas where I never would’ve found them before, and just experiencing them so much more than ever before! (This is the first winter I’ve ever seen hummingbirds! One or two species live in my geographical area year-round without migrating, and now that I’m involved, I’ve gotten to watch them while it’s snowing! And feed them all through winter.)

All these things are little treasures I wouldn’t ever have noticed before (such as recognizing the sounds of hummingbirds around me all the time or even thinking to look around for them when it’s snowing!).

This superpower reaches all aspects of our lives.

Decide what to focus on.

Watch it grow.

Such as…

Gratitude doesn’t happen by accident.

Consistent dedication to your craft and practice won’t fall in automatically.

Searching for tiny joys takes intentionality. (tripping over joy)

But all these things can be done and built on purpose.

When we choose to give our devotion and attention to what matters to us, it becomes amplified.

P.S. A super fun little hummingbird video clip I compressed into a GIF… I took this from my front porch while it was snowing last week! I stood outside in the magical cold watching my hummingbird pair for many minutes. Love!


the vows we take


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