best, truest self

I am lucky to know and get to work and live around kind, remarkable, loving people who set an example, model, and inspiration for me and the life I want to learn to live. This week, I’m reminding myself to pay as much attention as I can and to practice and grow into what I see and admire in them.

Here is what I’m telling myself:

Be your best, most generous self.

Show up in your life and your day — each small interaction, including the irritating, patience-testing, or easy-to-complain-about moments — truly practicing being who you envision yourself to be. Who do you want to be? Who is your highest, truest self? Practice and live as if you already are her. She is inside of you, ready to develop and be embodied. You must build this character, wisdom, patience, and generosity of spirit over time, with great intention. Heads up. Look around. Soak it up. Who do you see, doing this exceptionally well? What can you model after them?

The You who is most warm, positive, trusting, forgiving, and gracious? She’s the one you want to fuel. Perpetuate her thoughts and actions. Feed this version of you. (Not the small, petty, frustrated, judgmental parts of yourself.)

The You who is full of joy and observation and much heart for others? Who knows how to offer the benefit of the doubt and the best of intentions to all? Keep growing into her. Let her lead the way. Practice even when it feels clunky and you feel no good at it. Keep going. This is who you really want to be.

I know I want to be my best, most generous self. That means I must start acting like that best, most generous self, and must not stop. Practice and become. Voila!

There is no room for jealousy, competition, insecurity, or feeling threatened. No time for pettiness or self-doubt. Just SHINE. Shine the warm, bright light of your love onto EVERYONE. Care deeply. Listen attentively. Give generously.

This is my job. This is who I want to become. This is how I want to make an impact.

All love.


on learning spanish & following your delights


the phasing seasons