the phasing seasons
Taken August 30th. Super Moon and Blue Moon. Second full moon in one calendar month (making it Blue). Closest to Earth — I think NASA said it appears 9% larger (making it Super). It appears upside down because my telescope displays upside down. The moon was just rising as I took this, so close to the horizon still that you can see a windmill blade just barely poking across its face (top right edge)!
How are you enjoying the final remnants of summer and witnessing the transition of seasons?
How do you feel, in the first place, about the transition of seasons? (As this may influence how you are witnessing it!) Are you a summer person? (me! 🙋🏼♀️) A fall lover? Feeling welcome excitement? Resistance?
Are there any ways you are grounding into the earth and nature around you?
Noticing the changes coming, in the turning of the Universe’s cycles, the way the plants are responding (or will soon), in their fullness and peak production, nearing rest and dormancy.
Feeling the weather change and hold many surprises, as the temperatures get cooler but inconsistently so, a dramatic on-again, off-again relationship, indecisive about which season we’re in… will today be 55 degrees or 85 degrees? Oh, both in one day?? Sure, why not!
Observing the moon, phasing through its evolution and many faces, ushering changes and power with each one.
Watching and listening to creatures all around us. I’m watching my hummingbirds zooming through the air over my head tonight, as I lie on my tummy on a yoga mat, writing, just under the nectar-filled feeders. I’m also silently, grumpily shaking my internal fist at the giant black ants that obstinately, resourcefully keep finding said nectar, and have infiltrated it once again, only one day after I dumped the old, ant-clogged mess and replaced it with a fresh batch of refill. That’s for the beloved hummers, not you, Ants!
Gazing at the sky, with all its blues and golds and pinks and whites and yellows, gleaming sunshine, puffy clouds, moody grays, the ambers, richness, and depth of fall on the way.
Trying to get outside a little more often, realizing summer will soon draw to a close — whether I want it to or not — and nature is going to become harsher and harder to cope with through the winter months… no more shorts and bare feet, basking outside, casually hopping out for this or that without bundling up first; no more windows open 24/7, the outside air regulating our bedroom’s temperature while we sleep.
But first, this sweet spot. The dusk of summer. Easy, perfect weather. Not-quite fall. More here to enjoy before the final farewell of the season until next year. More here to relish and embody and experience as summer, before drawing inward, resting up, getting cozy, finding some quiet, reflection, and rebuilding as fall and winter.