bravery: definitions

Bravery isn’t being unafraid.

Bravery is usually feeling great fear — knowing how much you have on the line — and having the audacious, bold, vulnerable willingness to wade in anyway.

What’s on the line might be your comfort, your dreams, your hopes and expectations, your deepest desires, your ego, your future, your success or failure, everything you’ve gotten used to and comfortable with so far…

The most courageous people are the ones who often don’t even realize they’re being brave and wouldn’t think of themselves as courageous. Often they’re the folks who feel the least qualified and the most terrified. But with shaking, determined, wild resolution, they move forward regardless.

Know this:

You are brave.

You are full of great, vast, powerful strength.

You are unique and capable.

In facing your fears, no matter how big they are, you are defined not by those fears, but by the enormous, incredible courage with which you respond.

Keep going.



readiness, courage, solidarity


absolute yes