car jams

I have not experienced SUCH an extreme case of the Friday afternoon zombie phenomenon until working this job.

And it’s good! It comes from almost entirely good things and amazing luck and stunningly fun projects and passion! I still can’t believe it; it just keeps getting better and better.

Nevertheless, some days this job feels like it takes everything I have that day. Passion and incredible projects — works of love and engagement, standards of excellence and generosity, challenges and collaborations — take much of us. These are calls for Big Energy.

Eventually, energy runs out. Requires restoration.

I have music suggestions for you, should you find yourself in this headspace of exhaustion, happy but toast 🍞🧈 (when I’m totally spent, I tell Jake I’m a slice of bread with butter!), all-run-out, yet grateful about it.

Because I feel all-run-out tonight. My brain was actually HURTING for the last hour of my work day today. I’ve done enough; it’s been a massive, fun, packed, quick week, and I need rest now. My mind is tired of working, and my concentration and focus have left the building.

I’m tired. I’m so happy and content and fulfilled about it all — but I can’t do anymore right now. Now I need rest and rejuvenation.

So in that pent-up, drained, spazzy sort of mental space, I began my drive home and turned on some music. As we all know, sound fills a car differently. It’s something special to be by yourself in a small vehicle, with music notes reaching to every inch, pouring all the way to edges, transforming every speck of air and sound wave into magic, as you drive and sing all by yourself.

So if you’d like to decompress, unwind after a long day/week, hear some happy tunes, turn off the technical side of your brain, and jam, here are your tunes.

Bad Day - not because I’ve had a bad day, it’s actually been a fantastic day, but because the song, despite its subject matter and assumption of my state of being, makes me feel so happy. I love the sound and belting out the lyrics. This is a support song, for sure. Just a human song, with acknowledgement for the whole experience. Enjoy.

Under Pressure - we’re all under pressure, right?? It’s pushing down on me! I’m feeling the weight of the week and my zombie Friday self. But also? I’m happy about it, and this is another happy song. You can’t be unhappy listening to that groovy riff.

Stay the Night - because it’s fun and full of joy! Reminds us we love our lives! Reminds of the love we have in our lives! If this is what we’ve got, then what we’ve got is gold. 💯

Cathartic unwind, release, and lighten the load? Mini car celebration and spring in your step? I got you.

It’s all fuel, you know, if we’ll let it be. The hard stuff, the magic, the car jams, the zombie days, the challenges, the passion, the exhaustion, the creativity and collaboration. Everything can be fuel for something. Our learning, our growth, our restoration, our joy, our peace, our fulfillment and evolution.

Go jam! Get some rest. See you soon. ❤️


tiny deeds


playing to our strengths