playing to our strengths

For someone who loves people, I feel so lucky to get to meet so many wonderful humans in my job now. I feel extremely fortunate that it’s my actual, literal job to take care of people in my favorite kinds of ways: with many smiles, greetings, conversations, remembering personal details, helping with logistics, celebrating wins and special occasions, supporting losses, being there, building community, connecting friendships, facilitating space and events for the fun and magic to happen, bringing in creativity and new ideas and my engaged enthusiasm every day.

I’m ready to help. I’m excited to collaborate. I’m really mean it when I say “happy to meet you.” What a delight!

And it’s a massive gift in my life right now that I am in such a sweet spot of being handed the responsibility, expectation, and pleasure of doing this every day. So crazy.

Here’s to playing to our strengths. Here’s to being better together. Here’s to hanging in there and not giving up until you find where you are meant to be, doing something you really love. (Even when it takes months and months and many flops or failures. Even when the road ahead is murky and you have more questions than answers. Even when you’ve applied for fifty jobs. Me too. I have experienced all of those things. Keep going. It’s worth it.)


car jams


the long game: even when