choosing kindness

I like to think myself as tough and well-rounded and capable of anything. Like, I can hold my own, you know?

In reality, I am a softie. I have soft edges, and though my core is strong, my skin is not always. I do not understand why people find excuses to think it’s okay to be rude or abrupt or harsh with others, when it’s completely unnecessary and often counter-productive (even though I am guilty of sometimes behaving poorly towards others too).

There just is no reason to NOT be kind. There is every reason TO be kind.

It turns out, I am learning I need to be more patient, less self-absorbed, more humble, a better listener and more laid back observer, less judgmental, less whippity-quick with my offense, and better at letting things bounce off me.

Some people are mean. Some people aren’t even trying to be mean but don’t have the skills or awareness not to be. All of us have our bad moments.

I’m learning, in general, I would probably do poorly in a non-supportive or overly hard-ass environment. It shocks me, and I feel it too much.

I’m learning I can be stronger and wiser and more patient.

I’m learning I can be thicker-skinned and less absorbent of others’ criticisms, tones, moods, etc.

I’m also learning softness can be a great gift, and there is rarely a good reason to not be kind.





treat yo self