LEGO bins at The LEGO Store
Can you collect all your inspirations and ideas as you have them?
Collect tokens and thoughts that spark your creativity and make you feel happy and inquisitive?
Cultivate your own curiosity and your springboard for output?
Design an environment and room for thought that helps you succeed?
I haven’t written or published a blog post in five days (and my goal is to write daily-ish)… a couple of those days were cozy, lazy snow days at home when I didn’t feel compelled to get work done or produce anything. And a few after that were travel days.
I wasn’t writing, and I wasn’t publishing… but I was collecting.
I still jotted down ideas and sentences in my notes app. By the time I got back to it this morning to open my blog pages and start writing again, I had six prompts/concepts I wanted to flesh out. This is going to be my fourth published post today because of everything I noticed and gathered over the past several days. Even in my days away, I was collecting thoughts and phrases, and taking lots of fun pictures I can use in my artwork later.
Keep collecting!
Books, LEGOs, decorations, post cards, quotes, ideas, hobby items, toys, tools, skills, charms, reminders, whimsies… anything you need to collect to keep yourself in the sparked and engaged mindset and state of action for moving forward with your best life and work!
This is related to fuel, too.
Collect good stuff. Fuel well. Launch from there.
And if you don’t have a collection to pull from right now? Never let that stop you from showing up and engaging in your practice anyway, trusting that that’s the point and something always comes of it. Just keep going.
Keep showing up no matter what, and when there’s excess… collect.