Photo of ice crystal formations that look like feathers on my frozen-over windshield on a January 5 AM morning!
Control is exhausting.
We will never have the control over the world around us or what happens in our lives that we think we have.
There are certain things you can do to try to create the future you imagine, and there are habits and actions you can take to have more order and flow to your days, however you like best and however that looks for you.
Even still – control is an illusion.
It will never be complete.
It will never be ours.
This might be hard to come to terms with, but it can also be liberating.
We do not have to try to manipulate the results of everything (and everyone) around us, because we can’t anyway, and that’s a good thing.
We don’t have to afford the tiring effort towards managing all the tiny details and ensuring everything is influenced and arranged to our specific liking (“the best way,” from our limited viewpoint).
It will never be possible to know for sure everything in your world will unfold as you hope; and sometimes the unexpected turns in the story become the best ones you would not trade for anything.
When it involves other people, probably every tiny thing won’t turn out just so, even with our badgering and serious attempts to make it so.
Even on the off chance every miniscule detail IS precisely to our liking, will it have been worth it?
How many people will we have made miserable in the meantime? Certainly ourselves, at the very minimum, and most likely everyone around us, too. (Unless we are VERY skilled at maintaining a duck-like composure – calm on the surface while paddling like hell underneath – and giving the false impression of warm, calm, and welcoming, even though we are frantically attempting The Control and Mastery of Everything… And let’s be honest, we are never as good at this pretend composure as we imagine ourselves to be.)
So is it worth it?
I think not.
To practicing giving up control and just settling in! ❤