
Can it be true that humanity’s natural tendency is towards goodness and kindness and helping those around us?

Imagine, not that we are lazy, selfish, unhappy, rushing, judgmental people at our core, but that we are loving, caring, creative, and attentive.

Naturally, intrinsically, we are patient and generous.

Human beings do not descend from a long line of go-it-alone individualists. Our ancestors were — we are — village dwellers and fire circlers, with rhythms of life completely enmeshed in community, belonging, and tribal support.

Thus, we notice people around us. We want everyone to be happy and okay. We want to step in and do what we can when someone isn’t.

We are love. We have good in mind and heart.

This true nature just gets blocked or covered up or twisted into something else sometimes.

Perhaps those who don’t seem generous — who appear angry, mean, impatient, self-serving, and disinterested in contributing or collaborating — are not bad at their core. We just have to be more mindful about unbecoming all those wounds, defense mechanisms, and societal pressures that get in the way so we can return to who each of us naturally, truly is.

A kind human.

A giver.

A lover.

I am continually grateful for and amazed by all the ways I see this on display in everyday encounters with neighbors, strangers, friends, coworkers, and family.

The kindness and willing warmth of people.


the unimaginable

