deep joy

Is it too much to ask for what I want?

Is it too much to ask for deep joy? I mean, not nonstop happiness or trouble-free ease, but true, deep, shared, unifying, rebellious, honest, resilient, delighted JOY. Underlying all else. In spite of all else. Accompanying all else.

Is that really too much to ask for?

It’s the way I’m striving to live my life. Is it too much to ask to find others doing the same and to do work that fits the bill and to spend my time in environments where this is nurtured and expected, supported and experience, something we all have in common?

If you are not LOVING it — if you cannot enjoy your work and your life and your days — then what is the point?

If you don’t want to be here, why don’t you leave?? Find the place you do want to be, find what it is you’d rather be doing, and go there, do that!

If you are not proud of your work and yourself and your life, if you are not striving for excellence and reaching for the best you have to give… well, why the fuck not?!

Let’s get serious about this! Serious about joy! Serious about play! And fun! And human kindness and connection and delight! Serious about potential and innovation! Serious about generosity!

Is this really too much to ask?


don’t / do


tea time