don’t / do

It’s easy to focus on the DON’Ts.

Don’t worry.

Don’t waste energy thinking about inconsequentials that do not matter.

Don’t oblige yourself to others’ expectations or the pressures or “shoulds” you feel you must place on yourself.

Don’t make your decisions based on fear.

Don’t miss out on your own dreams, potential, and adventures.

Don’t get bogged down and overwhelmed by the future and every unknown you have no control over.

Don’t be negative (ha, a negative focusing on negativity!).

But if I’m not doing those things, what am I doing instead? Avoidance and intentional direction are two very different things.

Today I’m going to start an instead list…

Do quiet your mind and give yourself the gift of open space for observation and clarity.

Open yourself up to noticing and gratitude.

Put yourself in the path of wonder and light — what can you be in awe of today?

Remember to take a moment to step back from stressful situations to gain perspective.

Do your best.

Be patient. And then be even more patient. (This is not my strong suit!)

Choose joy and adventure for yourself; these things don’t happen by accident, we curate and practice them on purpose.

Be delighted and have fun!


small fish


deep joy