small fish

I started a new job three weeks ago, and the best advice I’ve gotten so far that my husband keeps reminding me of is this:

Be a good small fish.

Right now, I am a tiny, brand new fish in a big, established pond.

And I have high, high hopes and expectations of being a sparkling, dashing, speedy, helpful, generous, creative, trusted fish… but you can’t skip ahead to these things, and they’re built in time.

Patience is on the call card.

Sometimes small fish have to do things they might not love.

Sometimes they get overlooked or underutilized because they aren’t yet proven and known.

Sometimes there are learning curves and slow processes.

Sometimes things feel unsure and like they don’t quite fit yet.

But tiny fish grow and evolve into bigger fish, with the right care, attention, quality effort, hard work — and time.

Jake has been working his job for two years, and he told me he is still trying to be a good small fish. It’s an attitude of humility and desire for learning, after all, no matter how well established you become.

Everyone is still a small fish somewhere.

It’s becoming my new mission and mantra, especially at work: be a good small fish. Be willing. Be attentive. Be patient. Be hard working. Be ready to contribute and also ready to just listen and watch. Observe. Hang in there. Keep swimming. Your time will come.


raw & unresolved


don’t / do