raw & unresolved

Rilke: “I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart.”

I’ve been feeling a little raw lately. Not in a bad way. Just in a Very Alive way. Raw, like I am feeling a lot. Raw, like the experiences are coming and they just keep coming. Raw, like a live wire.

But again — not in a bad way.

Some of it is hard and challenging and full of friction. But I feel proud that I’m learning.

I feel constantly confronted by my own biases and weaknesses (zones of opportunity). I am trying to practice, every single day, noticing the chip on my shoulder and the limitations in my perspective, and I am trying to practice being a better human. I am trying to improve and grow beyond my current self. I’m trying to broaden my wisdom and deepen my patience and become more humble.


moon self


small fish