moon self

I promise, your energy will come back.

If you’re in a low spot, if you’ve been consumed by something taking a lot out of you, if you’re tired or hormonal or learning something new… whatever the cause, whatever your season… just remember everything goes in cycles and waves, and nothing is permanent.

You’ll breathe fresh air into your lungs again. One day, maybe very soon, you’ll feel a dancing spring in your step and the easier return of motivation and the bubbling will to create and produce and show up. Your ideas will flow freely again. Your inspiration will reawaken. Your willingness and capacity waxes and wanes, like the beautiful moon, and this is completely natural. Have patience with your moon self. Keep your faith and hope close, so you can use them to stay balanced and hold onto perspective for tomorrow; just because you feel so behind or the opposite of energetic right now doesn’t mean you always will.

So do your best to roll with it and just enjoy the seasons as they come. You will phase and then phase back, and each evolution is a beautiful part of you, with entirely different, unique possibilities, power, and opportunity.

You can use your low energy days to pull inward and to tend and rest. You can use bursting energy days to start something new or catch up with something old. You are more than the sum of your parts.

Remember to have grace with yourself when the season or energy phase or hormone level you find yourself in does not match your expectations or wishes.

There’s a time for everything, and you’ll come back around again. I promise.


biscuits, gravy, pouring rain


raw & unresolved