
Today I want…

I want to play music. To learn some new guitar parts.

I want to not be sitting at this desk.

I want to be with my dog.

I want to get my nails done.

I want to make fun plans with friends and family.

I want to make something beautiful.

I want to listen to more JJ Heller.

I want to join Jen Thompson’s week of powerlifting and travel in Costa Rica next summer.

Two of my current on-repeat authors/speakers have both recently shared about naming your desires. Being honest about what you want and getting in touch with the longings of your heart, big or small. Anything goes. It all matters. Shauna Niequist recommends writing for five minutes in the morning about your pain and five minutes about your desire, then writing five minutes at night about your gratitude. Mel Robbins suggests writing down five dreams every day.

What do you want?

Let’s notice, together, and then develop a bias in our minds towards finding, magnetizing, and taking actions and tiny, continual steps towards our desire.


the four elements of magic

