the four elements of magic


The passion in your core. The flames that ignite you and keep your love and strength burning. Your determination. The power flowing deep within you. Your built-in armor. The sun and spark and momentum. The energy in every action and choice. The heat to stoke your capacity for your hardest moments. Your resilience and fuel, your convictions and truest Knowings. The center of your Becoming.


The rejuvenation you need. Recovery for your dry bones. Satisfaction and delight. Refilling the reservoir. The balance to everything. The natural thirst being quenched within you. The floating, rest, and ebb and flow to your days. Listening. Tending to yourself, like a garden soaking up the rain.


Connection to the natural world, to everything around you and all that came before you. Building on the shoulders of your ancestors and the nutrients of the world. Nurturing your home, and letting it nurture you back. Reciprocity and collaboration. Grounding deeply. Feeling your feet in the grass, your toes in the sand, soft soil and sturdy foundations below you. Being held and known and seen and safe. The tribe at your back.


Freedom and ease. Your Playful Spirit. Your creativity. Flexibility and spontaneity. Everything refreshing. The breaths you take and steady yourself with, the light laughter twinkling through the room. A grin and quick squeeze hello. Unburdening yourself. The gentleness to your strength. Grace. Shafts of sunlight beaming through your life, the scent of lilac swirling by, a less heavy dance with the unknown and the challenge you face.


a message from Blue

