ease & energy

It doesn’t have to be hard, gruesome, painful, drudging, or undesirable to be important and worthwhile.

It doesn’t have to be hard to be good or to mean you’re doing well.

It can be easy.

It can be light.

Sometimes it is hard, and you can have the strength, courage, mental grit, perseverance, and toughness to get through it.

Sometimes it’s hard, and you can find ways to bring more EASE to it! (To make it less hard; it’s not always about working hard but sometimes smarter, sometimes softer…)

Sometimes it’s hard and you can let it go. Quit.

Sometimes it’s hard and you keep going.

And sometimes… it’s easy.

Do not require or expect or attract only hard. You don’t ever have to force yourself to suffer. There is already enough hardship in the world, no need to add more just to prove you are serious about your work or to make yourself think you’re doing a better job. Anything valuable we ever care about doing will already have challenge and obstacles built into it.


The energy you bring to something and the intention with which you do the thing makes the result.

Vish Sharma said,
“The way you feel when you take action is what determines your outcome
Not the action itself
When you do things from a feeling of lack, fear, need, or anxiety; these energies multiply in your reality
When you act from love, passion, freedom, and ease; you call in a life of magic.”


Let it be love.

Act from passion.

Be free.

Feel at ease.

You cannot force, scrape, or embody scarcity as your way to the life or results you want.

Embrace what FEELS GOOD while you work toward what you want.

Choose joy.

You can be strong and tough and open and soft all at the same time. You CAN live a life of joy and magic.





tripping over joy