
You cannot hate yourself or your life into a version you love. You won't wake up one day in love and gratitude if the practice of love and gratitude is not the path you have taken. (But it is a path you can step onto at any time!)

Self-compassion is the cornerstone for all beautiful change. When we love ourselves, we can love others.

From love we can do anything.

How are you speaking to yourself, even if it's just in your mind? ("just" is a deceptively dismissive term here; there is nothing small about the words and stories in your head, they lead everything!!)

In her book Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown said, “Compassion is fueled by understanding and accepting that we’re all made of strength and struggle. No one is immune to pain or suffering. Compassion is not a practice of better than or I can fix you, it’s a practice based in the beauty and pain of shared humanity.”

This is so useful when thinking of and practicing compassion, not only for others, but also compassion towards ourselves.

You are made of strength and struggle. Give yourself that understanding and compassion today. As Brene goes on to write, treat yourself with lovingkindness and take action in the face of suffering. Including your own suffering.

How can you — today — take action on behalf of yourself and give yourself all the love?

Choose compassion. Be your own Valentine.

How can you bring self-love and compassion to every moment of joy, ease, and bliss AND just as much to every moment of pain, confusion, uncertainty, and discomfort?

You deserve it. You deserve compassion, understanding, and connection.

You deserve acceptance and lovingkindness.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

P.S. A song for your day. ❤




ease & energy