everyday magic
Originally posted Oct 22, 2022
Our life together is magic.
It really is.
The love, my soul mate, our home, all the adventures, failing and trying again, grace, laughter, the dirty dishes, falling asleep next to each other, friends, facing the entire future of unknowns together, most days not even thinking about the terrifying uncertainty of no guarantees, just choosing to live it all side by side.
We take on the risks. We reap immeasurable love.
We grow. Our hearts expand. My heart walks around inside somebody else, and it's better than I ever could've imagined.
Life is so hard. It's all too easy to disappear into the fog of difficulty, worries, questions, fights, fear, pain, and exhaustion in life, in being human...
But we are the luckiest. Our life together is the luckiest.
Always. Underneath and around the struggle, always, it's fucking magic.
It's beautiful.
Because I have him and he has me, and we have so much Love.
I can always use this reminder, as a perspective shift and gratitude check. A reminder of everything I have and hold dear. A zooming out, to the bigger picture that really is amazing.
I wrote this just after I finished watching Our Friend, based on the true story of Matthew and Nicole Teague and their friend Dane, and holy shit it was deep and great and sad and perfect and mind-bending and heart-tugging.
It inspired so much gratitude.