guiding lights
Originally posted Oct 22, 2022
Decisions, routines, structure, discipline, choices, and behavior... they all have to be values-led.
It's just mandatory.
Things stop working in my life when I fall out of alignment with my values, and I think that's true for everyone. Though everyone's values are different and personal, we all need to feel an integrity to our own.
Meaning-making in any endeavor gives the things we invest our attention in a purpose. Purposes can expire -- some needs and values shift over time -- and when this happens, the lack of purpose makes the action (or effort/project/job/relationship/whatever) feel like it no longer fits.
I want to be crystal-clear on my values, and I want to stay tuned in to them so they can be held up and used as gracious, honest, North Star filters for any question I need to ask and answer in my life: Why am I doing this? What's the point? Does this help or hinder my values? Which direction would (fill in the blank value) point me? Should I stay or go? Is it a yes or no?
My Big Three Values remain the same as they've been (and possibly will be for my whole life):
♡ Adventure
♡ Belonging
♡ Wholeheartedness
My current/newer, "moving pieces" values or goal-oriented values for this season of my life are:
✧ Strength
✧ Intentionality
✧ Intuition
So, the questions stand:
Does this consideration I'm making help me stay strong, intentional, and aligned with my intuition?
What's the next move I can make to foster adventure, belonging, and wholeheartedness in my life?
Is there anything I'm doing that gets in the way of my values?
Am I living today from a place of these values?
Guiding lights.
North Star.
Compass home, back to myself, no matter where I may wander.
I want to be happy and healthy and to feel good. I want to stay in my days, really alive, rooted, and mindfully connected. I want to be present for my miracle life.
This is the way.
Everything good grows from our values.
As a friend told me in a conversation we had earlier this week: It's messier this way, but it's better.
That's what we want: messier but better. ♡