everyday magic: everything matters

I love Shauna Niequist. She writes words that mean a lot to me, and I love her style. I love the pictures she takes and shares on her Instagram, her thoughts and gifts to the world, and the heartfelt way she describes and fills her work with treasure and beauty and richness.

I’m subscribed to her newsletter and just wanted to share a small piece of a recent edition she sent with her #1 bit of writing advice:

“…noticing is sacred work. These are our lives. These are the rising moons and bites of cake and sounds of laughter and sore shoulders that make up our lives. And they’re worth noticing, treasuring, recording. It all matters, all of it…

Here's to the details, to living as a noticer, to choosing to believe that it all matters, because our lives matter—the big and the little, the wild and the mundane, the dreams and the snacks, the whispers and the howls and the whole big thing. It all matters.”

This is true everyday magic. ❤✨




enough is enough