fairy lights

Growth isn’t linear, even though sometimes we subliminally expect it to be.

It’s so interesting to me to notice in any given season of life what the predominant theme for me seems to be, and “theme” doesn’t mean every moment is like that, or I feel a certain way every day or all the time, or even that I’m focusing only on X or never getting it wrong. (I am certainly getting it wrong sometimes.)

I think some of my running themes right now, linking together, hand-in-hand, are:

  • moving forward in spite of fear

  • taking tiny, continuous, sedulous actions

  • being unwilling to give up

  • strengthening my resilience by learning how to accept failure and uncertainty

  • and practicing imagining my life with every bit of the wonder, creativity, joy, and courage within me.

That’s a lot. 😂 But you can see how they fit together and are sort of the companion sides of the same rubix cube.

This stuff isn’t easy, but as they say, nothing worth having ever is. If it was easy, everyone would do it. You know the gist.

It’s hard, and it’s also FUN and rewarding. There is a lot of joy and a lot of challenge, all rolled into one honest present.

The non-linear aspect to it means there is a constant dance. Some days I feel really awake to wonder and possibility, hopeful vision and excitement come easily, and I flow through my day taking inspired action, moving forward diligently and enthusiastically. Other days, I feel tired and impatient and petulant about the lack of change or success, defeated by some latest obstacle, and far more easily deterred — would rather disappear into a cave with Netflix and safety than continue taking inspired action. 😆 Of course, some days I follow that urge for safety and comfort and procrastination; and some days, I keep showing up, committed even when skeptical, taking action even when uninspired.


It’s a season of growth, resilience, joy, courage, dreams, practice, action, acceptance, and possibility.

But that doesn’t mean I’m thriving in it every day or that I feel resilient or hopeful every day.

Over all, the arc of the story continues, and it curves ever towards the light.

The days string together like fairy lights on a beautiful string, unification making them powerful, bright, and full of meaning and purpose together. Each one helps the one before and the one coming after. The grace in the situation is that a “bad” day still has so much to offer, and even when you think you are veering off course (or disappearing into your Netflix cave every now and then 👋🏼), there is so much growth and new life within you, lying dormant, becoming stronger even as you are unaware. Each day helps the last and the next. Each season comes together in a unification of magic like fairy lights. You don’t have to be resilient, or brave in the face of fear, or creatively energetic and determined, in every moment, and just because you aren’t doesn’t mean you’re not building all those things into your life and into who you are.

You already are.

Growth isn’t linear or tidy or perfect.

It’s a whole culmination, and it’s really beautiful. Zoom out a little. You’ll see. Magic.



