
Huge topic. Ginormous. Here we go…

Grace is the beauty and glue that holds life together. Mentioned in the last post, including Anne Lamott’s quote: "Luckily though, God is a total show-off, and Grace bats last, and our friends are why anything works at all."

Grace bats last.

Grace is a big, intangible, philosophical concept. Sometimes we use words we don’t think a lot about or know what we’re really talking about on a practical level.

But we certainly feel grace.

We feel it when we get an unexpected break, a generous dose of forgiveness, unlimited support, and a second chance.

Grace is never something earned, and if we’ve had to earn it, it can’t be grace. It’s not something we can hustle or work for. Grace is a gift, given freely and abundantly, and it never runs out.

Grace is when we get something great we didn’t deserve. There are no strings attached, and it’s just full of pure goodness and love.

For this reason, grace can be really uncomfortable. It can feel hard, squirmy, and vulnerable to accept something so impactful and big, especially when we don’t deserve it. Grace is forgiveness and restoration. It’s transformative, both for the giver and the receiver.

Grace is a divine opportunity. Grace is the Universe having your back.

Grace is available to everyone, and it’s something we share and let wash over us.

Grace bridges the gap created by human imperfection. It’s a crucial ingredient for connection, relationships, and forward motion.

Forever tries.



Grace is letting everything go, knowing there’s something bigger and much more important at play.


fairy lights


advice for a friend