five star stuff

I listened to an excellent podcast episode today and read a phenomenal newsletter edition.

I want to share them both with you! (links below)

First, a couple things that stand out to me:

  • The idea that the best act of self-love and self-care is staying disciplined for our goals and showing up for ourselves. Doing the work that gets us where we want to go, even when it isn’t fun in the moment. (from Dr. Kristin Lander, on the podcast!)

  • “Cynicism is lazy. Hopepunk takes work. Let’s get to work.” (Brad Montague, in the newsletter!)

The podcast episode is called Challenges Are Necessary - The Strength Academy Podcast.

The newsletter edition is We need you, hopepunks. - The Enthusiast by Brad Montague.

Have a listen, have a read! I can’t recommend these two enough.

I’m newer to discovering Kristin’s work, but I read her blogs and love them and have started listening to The Strength Academy and can’t wait for more! I’ve been following Brad’s work for years and love his books, art, videos, ideas… all of it.

All the quotes and original words Brad put together in this essay build beautifully; I love every edition he publishes on The Enthusiast and have never found a piece of his work I don’t love, really! I secretly wish his blog was my blog. 😉 I read every new post voraciously and am always the better for it!

Also — Brad included this outstanding 2 minute Lord of the Rings clip on hope. A remarkable Sam speech.

To facing our challenges and being joy rebels and hopepunks! ❤❤❤


light side & dark side


everyday magic, pt. 2