fresh starts

Clarity yields next steps.

A calm, sure mind gives direction.

I am honing in on focused discipline for my new year, and I have a few specific goals and changes in mind, with plans in place for how to practically implement.

I’m really excited about them.

It’s good for us to have a vision and to make consistent steps towards it.

A fresh start can be a lot of work, at first — it’s outside the comfort bubble, and it’s unusual, so everything is novel and new and takes extra thought and effort.

But it can also be exhilarating and enlivening. Uplifting. Delighting.

Sometimes we need a fresh start to pick us up and keep us bright and engaged.

I am grateful for my life, and I want to take care of it and of myself. I have needed some shifts, so this specific fresh start feels most welcome.

And once we’re through the newest stages of unfamiliarity, once the unknowns wear off and things settle and start to feel normal, everything will get easier. It’s worth it.

Happy New Year planning! ✨🎆


am I the only one?


taking breaks