
Feed yourself.

Physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, creatively, energetically.


There is a marked difference between how I feel when I am well-resourced and well-nourished vs. how I feel when I am ignoring what I need and want. (When I’m eating poorly, zoning out on too much social media, or consuming other low-quality inputs.)

Just like we feel crappy when we eat too much fried food, we also feel crappy when we devour to much that bores us, is shallow, is a quick fix, doesn’t stimulate the potential of our creativity and mind, doesn’t feel aligned or challenging or lit up for us.

This is true in what we watch, listen to, and read, and it’s true in our environments, what we have proximity to, who we spend time with, the energy we’re around, and the conversations we have.

Fuel well.


uncovering & discovering

