uncovering & discovering

"Stories are found on the page. It's through a quantity of writing that we uncover what our work is really about."
-Amber Rae 💖

This was my reminder, like most other things in my life right now, to keep writing. Keep showing up. Keep doing the thing and being repetitious and willing and creative. Stay committed to the practice.

What is your Great Thing that is uncovered through a large and continuous quantity?

This could, of course, be edited to say, “Songs are found in the playing. It’s through a quantity of practice that we uncover what our music is really about.”

Or fill in your blanks with whatever fits!

We aren’t one and done, you know.

We don’t shine on the first try (and we don’t have to!).

You and me, we need a little (or a lot of) practice.

Are you letting yourself be a beginner at something, no matter how uncomfy it feels? Can you lean in and have a little fun?

Let yourself be surprised.

Just put forth the energy and openness to grow your quantity, whether it’s of words or something else, and just keep doing it over and over again.

I’ll be right here beside you doing the same!



