grandstands to arena

I feel the ancient tug inside me towards more creativity, more listening, higher engagement.

Maybe you do, too.

Our hearts deserve to be nurtured.

We deserve the time and attention it takes to feel connection and intentionality, the effort and bravery required to meet our capacity for change and contribution.

I long for dreams and rooted satisfaction.  Satisfaction in my own life and how I spend my time.

I want love and magic and enchantment.  I know it can always be mine; I feel it sparkling within and all around me, hold it in my hands, see it with my eyes.

Maybe when we feel a little lost, and things don’t seem so sparkly or enchanted, we can remember this is always still true: 

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

Even when we can’t feel it or life doesn’t seem magical.  Even with daily challenges.

We just need sharper wits. 😉

In my experience of my life, I want to claim my desires and build a home inside myself, a home inside my days, that I can be proud of.

You too?

There is, within each of us, so much creative power and so much potential, and I want us all to start (or keep!) using it again.  I want to use my potential to sharpen my wits and see the magic and notice the beauty.  I want to use my potential to take action on the dreams inside my heart.

I want love and spark.

Gratitude and joy.

Engagement with life.

Resilience and willingness to do something hard, to be a crappy beginner, to try again after failure.  Courage to say the big yeses.

To acquire all this, we must be out in the grand arena of life.  There is no other way.

If maybe you’ve taken a break to peek out from behind the grandstands for a while instead, trying to stay a little safer, this is your invitation to come on back in.

Here we are.

All invited to the grand event of life.

We will get a little battered and tattered in the arena, we’ll face fears and fall down…

But we will keep getting back up, and we will live.

One step at a time.

Hour by hour.

May my wits stay sharp, my love big, my heart and eyes and arms open.


accountability & action


the messy middle