the messy middle

I am in the messy middle. Maybe we all are most of the time, in one way or another.

Spoiler alert — it really does feel messy.

Which is tricky and uncomfy and gives the urge to hide or run away or panic-fix… not what we might think of when we hear “messy middle” — an abstract, popular phrase that sounds clever, airy, creative, and poetic and prompts feelings of ease and cutely floating through. Not that. Just keeping it real, FYI. 😂😉

In the messy middle, it is so tempting to numb and rush and generally not show up as the person I really want to be. The easy route is to listen to fear and let my old, limiting narratives take over.

But here is what I know to be true…

The arc of the story continues, and it curves ever towards the light.

Great things are always on their way to me.

The limitless potential and possibility within me and around me never ceases.

This discomfort IS THE WAY.

In each moment, I am building my path, step by step, shining a lantern on each unknown section as I go.

Leaning in will do infinitely more for me than turning away or racing through.

I can choose my old, layered, habitual narratives… or I can imagine and live a better story.

I can give in to desperation and false urgency… or I can CHOOSE to be patient and let the path of patience transform me and take me to places far better than any destination where grasping and hustling will lead.

I really can choose patience. That’s my choice.

I can lean in, eyes up, for wisdom.

I can awaken wonder.

I can lead with love instead of fear.

I can hold onto hope and faith and belief.

I can imagine “what if?” instead of worrying.

This is agency.

It’s hard and uncomfortable.

It’s also MAGIC.

The messy middle.

Stick with it. And perhaps, over time, we’ll learn to dance together like old friends.


grandstands to arena


small things that are big