small things that are big

Life is always a blend of ups and downs. Sometimes they’re all squished together, all mixed up into one confusing and unexpected swirl.

This week, for me, feels like it’s been on the extreme ends of both, with really high highs and pretty low lows. That can be hard to navigate and can take a lot out of you. It’s energetically exhausting, even if it’s positive over all.

As a result, this morning I woke up with heavy boots and a raincloudy mind, just kind of tired and gray and feeling lousy and low. I was not at my best. The day ahead didn’t feel great.

I decided to go for a walk with my pup, and it was the keystone decision that turned everything around. It started out angsty, matching my morning and mood, but I just kept walking. Lean in.

I video chatted with a good friend while I walked, and a walk that didn’t even feel like one I was sure I wanted to be on at the start turned into a fun, uplifting, honest, fast-paced 45 minutes around the neighborhood. (The neighborhood I live in and the neighborhood of my heart, geeky as it sounds! 😂😉)

Talking with a trusted friend was another keystone choice for my day.

So, I worked up a sweat with a strong and long walk, I processed and talked honesty and inspiration, I got support, and I enjoyed the benefits of being outside on an unexpectedly warm, beautiful, blue-skies, shining, not-at-all windy day!

It was wind in my sails. Totally restorative.

These things were all so simple, yet they have a huge impact.

I got back to my house and turned my dog loose for her crazy post-walk zoomies and exploration on the hillside. Smiles. She was happy, I was happy, the day was gorgeous, and my mind was right — finally — and open to see it.

I sat on my porch and watched a sparrow hopping, flitting, chirping, and pecking about.

I saw a hummingbird with the richest of red throats stop by for a drink.

I opened all our windows.

Small things that are big.

Everyday magic.

Daily wonders.

Sometimes we just have to do the thing for ourselves that we know helps, even if we don’t feel like it at the time. (Exercise, a walk outside, a long talk with a friend, sunshine and fresh air, time with a furry four-legged buddy and the tiny creatures just beyond your door… add your own here!)

It works.

It’s always worth it.


the messy middle


staying in the water